Mindful Music Series
Check the Mindful Music website or contact us to learn about upcoming events
that you can attend! If you cannot make it in-person, you may also watch
recorded performances on the UCLA Mindful Music Series YouTube channel.
Moving Art at UCLA
Louie Schwartzberg’s Moving Art videos are continuously displayed on screens
across the UCLA campus. Locations include the Tipuana Apartment Lounge,
Olympic Hall Study Lounge, UCLA Extension lobby, RISE Center lobby,
Graduate Education Faculty Conference Room, and Pritzker Hall lobby. You can
even participate in our study by filling out the AIMS at these locations!
You can explore more Moving Art by Louie Schwartzberg for free at
Veteran Journeys Opera
Veteran Journeys is publicly available to stream on Vimeo.
Feel free to share the
opera link with family, friends and colleagues!
How to watch the opera on your Smart TV: In the Vimeo app on your Smart TV,
do a search for “Veteran Journeys Opera.” You do not need to create an account
to use the app.
The Center Cannot Hold Opera
The Center Cannot Hold is also publicly available to stream on Vimeo